Determine how much your average monthly credit card sales are for the last six months. Then check the simple requirements below:
A simple example of how much you can borrow: Add up your credit card monthly processing statements for the last 6 months. Perhaps it totals $540,000. Divide by 6= $90,000. You can get 80-120% of that amount or $72,000 to $108,000.
Call us and we'll complete a simple one page application. You will be eligible for an advance of between 80-120% of your average monthly credit card receipts
This is the best part of the program. We are banking on the fact that you will continue to do business as you did before. So we fix your payment at 15 to 20 percent of your future credit card receipts until the loan is repaid. This includes principal and interest.
You keep 80% to 85%. That means that if you do very well your cash advance gets paid back sooner and if business is bad you pay back less. WHICH MEANS NO MORE WORRIES!
* Note: These are examples only. Your Cash Advance is completely dependent on your monthly receipts.